YERME Day 2015
The YERME Day (for Young Researchers in ERME) will be held one day before the CERME 9 Congress. It will take place on February, 3-4, 2015 at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, M. Rettigové 4, Praha 1 (
YERME Day provides an opportunity for participants to meet key European researchers in mathematics eduction, getting to know about their work and methodological appoaches. In addition, YERME Day constitues an important networking possibility for meeting young researchers from other countries, pursuing similar and not so similar research issues.
The programme foresees several plenary presentations, three working groups (WG) and three discussion groups (DG). These groups will last for three hours and will be led by ERME board members as well as key scholars in European Mathematics Education from different academic traditions.
Participants may be PhD students, master’s degree students, recently graduated post-doctors (5 years), PhD researchers who are moving towards mathematics education coming from other fields. To be accepted participants need to also register for CERME. Attendance in YERME Day, WG e DG is done by order of registration and is free of charge.
Local Organization
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education
Local Organizing Committee
Jarmila Novotná, Charles University, Faculty of Education
Naďa Vondrová, Charles University, Faculty of Education
Jana Žalská, Charles University, Faculty of Education
Veronika Tůmová, Charles University, Faculty of Education
Programme Committee
João Pedro da Ponte, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (Chair)
Vivianne Durand-Guerrier, Université de Montpellier, France
Susanne Schnell, University of Dortmund, Germany
Miguel Ribeiro, UNESP, Brazil
The main features of the YERME Day 2015 programme are finally in place and may go into the website soon. YERME Day will start on February 3th with "Arrival and registration at 13:30", following by an "Opening Session at 14:30". It will end at February 4th by 12:00.
Tuesday, February 3th, 2015
13:30-14:30 Arrival and registration
14:30-14:45 Opening session
14:45-15:15 Plenary presentation
Rita Borromeo-Ferri: From a Ph.D. candidate to a professorship: Research, projects and networking between YESS 1 to YESS 7
15.15-16:30 Working Groups – Part I
WG1 – Susanne Prediger, “The role of theory for empirical research”
WG2 – Cristina Sabena, “Body, tools and signs in classroom mathematical activities”
WG3 – Uffe Jankvist and Mario Sánchez, “Literature search and where to publish your papers”
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-18:15 Working Groups – Part II
18:15-19:15 Special session
"Election of YERME representatives: round table with candidates", with the organization of Susanne Schnell
19:30 Dinner
Wednesday, February 4th, 2015
08:30-09:45 Discussion Groups – Part I
DG1 – Esther Levenson, “Choosing examples for research studies”
DG2 – Despina Potari, “Researching mathematics teaching and teacher development: theoretical and methodological issues”
DG3 – Paolo Boero, “Quality criteria for a research paper in Mathematics Education”
09:45-10:15 Coffee break
10:15-11:30 Discussion Groups – Part II
11:30-12:00 Presentation of YERME Summer School, YESS 8 (August 6-13, 2016, Poděbrady, Czech Republic) and Closing session
The on-line Registration Form will be available from August 1, 2014, online through CERME 9 registration system.
After the topics of DGs and WGs are published, the applicants should indicate in what DG and WG they prefer to participate, indicating first and second choice, in an e-mail sent to Each WG/DG will have up to 20 participants. Remember to book an extra night in the conference hotel.
Note that the number of participants will be limited to 60. Please register as soon as possible (registration will be closed after reception of the 60th request).
Phone: +420 603578360
Postal: Jarmila Novotná, UK-PedF, M. Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1, Czech Republic