Scientific Programme

Final Scientific Programme is available here.

Opening and closing ceremonies and plenary events will be in Hotel Ambassador. Other work and coffee breaks will be in the buildings of the Faculty of Education.

The programme of TWGs will be prepared by TWG leaders and sent to the authors by them. Please, do not contact the LOC as they do not have this information. 

The programme for the General Meeting can be downloaded here.

Wednesday 4.2.2015

9.30-19.00     Registration in Hotel Ambassador

12.30-13.30   Welcome drink

13.30-15.00   Opening ceremony

15.00-16.00   Plenary talk: Jarmila Novotná

16.10-16.40   Coffee break

16:40-18.40   TWG session 1

19.00            Dinner

Thursday 5.2.2015

8.30-10.30    TWG session 2

10.30-11.15   Coffee break

10.45-11.15   ERME meets newcomers

11.30-13.00   Plenary Panel: Mariolina Bartolini Bussi, Barbara Jaworski, Edyta Nowinska, Susanne Prediger

13.00-14.00   Lunch

14.00-15.30   Poster session and coffee

15.45-17.45   TWG session 3

18.00-19.00   Forum

19.00            Dinner

Friday 6.2.2015

9.00-10.30     TWG session 4

10.30-11.00    Coffee break

11.00-12.30    TWG session 5

12.30-13.30    Lunch

13.30-19.00    Excursions

19.00            Dinner

Saturday 7.2.2015

8.30-10.00     TWG session 6

10.00-10.30    Coffee break

10.45-11.30    Joint report by ERME Board and EMS Education Committee

11.40-12.40    Plenary talk: Carmen  Batanero

12.40-14.15    Lunch

14.15-16.00    General meeting (see  the agenda )

16.15-16.45    Coffee break

16.45-18.15    TWG session 7

20.00             Gala dinner

Sunday 8.2.2015

8.30-9.15        TWG report 1

9.30-10.15      TWG report 2

10.15-10.45    Coffee break

11.00-12.00    Closing ceremony

12.00            Lunch 


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