1. Chiara Andrà, Domenico Brunetto, Nicola Parolini, Marco Veran. 'I can' - 'You can': Cooperation in group activities
  2. Okan Arslan. Turkish prospective middle grades mathematics teacher’s teaching efficacy beliefs and sources of these beliefs
  3. Alison Barnes. Improving childrens’ perseverance in mathematical reasoning: creating conditions for productive interplay between cognition and
  4. Sarah Beumann. Mathematical student-based experiments and their impact on motivation and interest
  5. Katinka Bräunling. Analysing A Teachers’ belief system referring to the teaching and learning of arithmetic
  6. Eleni Charalampous. Invented or discovered?
  7. Wajeeh Daher. Discursive positionings and emotions in a small group's learning of geometric definitions
  8. Marina De Simone. The mathematics teacher: an emotional rational being
  9. Anne Birgitte Fyhn. How a local oral examination considers affective aspects of knowing mathematics
  10. Çiğdem Haser. Mathematics teachers in preservice teachers’ metaphors
  11. Ineta Helmane: Basic emotions of primary school pupils in mathematics lessons
  12. Mercy Kazima. Students’ reasons for preferences of contexts in learning mathematics
  13. Nermin Kibrislioglu. Development of mathematıcs-related belıefs scale for the 5th grade students ın Turkey
  14. Gustavo Martinez-Sierra: Students' emotional experiences in high school mathematics classroom
  15. Elizabeth Lake: 'Two things I like, maths and chocolate': Exploring ethical hedonism in secondary mathematics teaching
  16. Gareth Lewis: Patterns of motivation and emotion in mathematics classrooms
  17. Peter Liljedahl: Emotions as an orienting experience
  18. Manuela Moscucci. About relationship in the affect domain
  19. Francesca Morselli. Identity and rationality in group discussion: an exploratory study
  20. Eva Müller-Hill. On the role of affect for sense making in learning mathematics – aesthetics experiences in problem solving processes
  21. Marilena Pantziara, George N. Philippou: The role of multiple goals in students' motivation and achievement
  22. Barbara Pieronkiewicz. Transgression and positive disintegration in respect to education of mathematics
  23. Cristina Sabena. “Let’s play! Let’s try with numbers!”: preservice teachers’affective pathways in problem solving
  24. Silvia Sbaragli. The flow of emotions in primary school problem solving
  25. Angela Schmitz. Teachers’ Individual Beliefs about the Roles of Visualization in Classroom
  26. Stanislaw Schukajlow. Is boredom important for students performance?
  27. Karen Skilling. Promoting cognitive engagement in secondary mathematics classrooms
  28. Laura Tuohilampi,Liisa Näveri, Anu Laine: The restricted yet crucial impact of an intervention on pupils' mathematics-related affect
  29. Hanna Viitala. Emma’s mathematical thinking viewed through problem solving and affect
  30. Bilge Yurekli, Mine Isiksal, Erdinc Cakiroglu: Investigating sources of pre-service teachers' self-efficacy for preparing and implementing mathematical tasks

TWG 8 Posters

  1. Chiara Andrŕ, Domenico Brunetto, Nicola Parolini, Marco Verani. Teachers’ perspective on group dynamics
  2. Annika Grothérus. Formative scaffolding – how to enhance mathematical proficiency, prevent and reduce maths anxiety
  3. Oana Hansson. Why mathematics students’ narratives about failing in compulsory school mathematics
  4. María del Socorro García González, Rosa María Farfán Márquez. Attitudes of secondary school students towards work in learning situations

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