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New version of Marcelo Bairral & Ferdinando Arzarello. Hands and  Manipulation touchscreen improving high school students’ geometrical thinking

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TWG 16 Papers

  1. Yasmine Abtahi. Children’s perception of the affordances of the mathematical tools
  2. Danelly Esparza Puga, Mario Sánchez Aguilar: Looking for help on the internet: An exploratory study of mathematicsl help-seeing practices among Mexican Engineering students
  3. Nélia Admao & Susana Carreira. The impact of technologies in a student with visual impairments engaged in a web-based mathematics competition
  4. Antri Avraamidou. Instances of Mathematical thinking through collaborative gameplay
  5. Marcelo Bairral & Ferdinando Arzarello. Hands and  Manipulation touchscreen improving high school students’ geometrical thinking
  6. Daniela Behrens. How a digital place value chart could foster substantial  understanding of place value
  7. Yaniv Biton, Sara Hershkovitz & Maureen Hoch. Peer learning in mathematics forum on Facebook: A case study
  8. Rute Borba, Juliana Azevedo & Fernanda Barreto. Using tree diagrams to develop combinatorial reasoning of children and adults in early schooling
  9. Aibhin Bray, Elizabeth Oldham & Brendan Tangney. Technology-Mediated Realistic Mathematics Education  and the Bridge21 Model: A Teaching Experiment
  10. José Antonio González-Calero, David Arnau & Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez. Gaming the system: an opportunity to analyze difficulties in arithmetical problem solving
  11. Eirini Geraniou, Manolis Mavrikis: Crossing the bridge: From a constructionist learning environment to formal algebra
  12. Galit Nagari Haddif, Michal Yerushalmy. Digital Interactive Assessment in Mathematics: the case of construction e-tasks
  13. Hélia Jacinto & Susana Carreira. A framework for describing techno-mathematical fluency in beyond-school problem Solving
  14. Kate Mackrell. Feedback and Formative Assessment with Cabri
  15. Morten Misfeldt & Stine Ejsing-Duun. Learning mathematics through programming: an instrumental approach to potentials and pitfalls
  16. Guido Pinkernell. Reasoning With Dynamically linked Multiple Representations of Functions
  17. Theodosia Prodromou, Zsolt Lavicza & Balazs Koren. Introducing mathematical topics with technology through increasing students’ involvement in lesson sequences
  18. Stefan Schumacher & Jürgen Roth. Guided Inquiry learning of fractions  – a representational approach
  19. Carlotta Soldano, Ferdinando Arzarello & Ornella Robutti. Learning with touchscreen devices: a game approach as strategies to improve geometric thinking
  20. Martin Stein. Online Platforms for Practising Mathematics in German and English  Speaking Countries – A Systematic Comparison
  21. Osama Swidan. A learning path of the accumulation function in an interactive and multiple-linked representational environment
  22. Evangelia Triantafyllou & Olga Timcenko. Student perceptions on learning with online resources in a flipped mathematics classroom
  23. Hans-Georg Weigand. Discrete or continuous? – A model for a technology-supported discrete approach to calculus

TWG 16 Posters

  1. Mats Brunström & Maria Fahlgren. Using slider tools to explore and validate
  2. Jan Olsson. Feedback from dynamic software supports creative mathematical reasoning
  3. Osama Swidan. Learning trajectory for conceptualizing the fundamental theorem of calculus using dynamic and multiple linked representations tools

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