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Poster  Michaela Kaslova. Pre-school child and natural numbe r

Poster Maria Sorokina: Collaboration between scientists and teachers in the context of mathematics education of young children

TWG 13 Papers

  1. Mariolina Bartolini Bussi  & Anna Baccaglini-Frank. Using pivot signs to reach an inclusive definition of rectangles and squares
  2. Camilla Bjorklund. The trouble with double – preschoolers’ perception and powerful teaching strategies
  3. Laurence Delacoeur. How the role of the preschool teacher affects the communication of mathematics
  4. Luoiza Demetirou. The use of virtual and concrete manipulatives
  5. Ingvald Erfjord, Martin Carlsen & Per Sigurd Hundeland. Distributed authority and opportunities for children’s agency in mathematical activities in kindergarten
  6. Francesca Ferrara. Perceiving and creating in the mathematics classroom: a case study in the early years
  7. Zisan Guner Alpaslan & Erden F. Tantekin. The status of early childhood mathematıcs education research in the last decade
  8. Eugenia Koleza. The bar model as a visual aid for developing complementary/variation problems
  9. Andrea Maffia & Maria Alessandra Mariotti. Introduction to arithmetical expressions in grade 2: a semiotic perspective
  10. Bozena Maj-Tatsis. Investigations in magic squares: a case study with two eight-year-old girls
  11. David Pimm & Nathalie Sinclair. “How do you make numbers?”: rhythm and turn-taking when coordinating ear, eye and hand
  12. Reinert A. Rinvold & Hans Erstad. Learning interventions supporting numerosity in three to four year old children
  13. Elisabetta Robotti, Samuele Antonini & Anna Baccaglini-Frank. Coming to see fractions on the number line
  14. Per-Einard Saebbe & Reidar Mosvold. Asking productive mathematical questions in kindergarten
  15. Chrysanthi Skoumpourdi. Kindergartners measuring length 
  16. Gizem Solmaz. Familial studies in early childhood with using mathematical situations
  17. Christina Svensson. Preschool teachers’ understanding of playing as a mathematical activity
  18. Esther Levenson, Dina Tirosh, Pessia Tsamir, Michal Tabach & R. Barkai. Unsolvable mathematical problems in kindergarten: are they appropriate?
  19. Dorothea Tubach. “If she Had rolled five then she’d Have two More” - Children focusing on Differences between Numbers In the context of a Playing Environment
  20. Paola Vighi. From geometrical speaking to learning

TWG 13 Posters

  1. Sophie Arnell. Preschool children’s engagement in mathematical activities
  2. Michaela Kaslova. Pre-school child and natural number
  3. Irit Lavi. The development of numerical thinking in children aged two to five
  4. Geir Olaf Pettersen, Monica Volden & Elin Eriksen Ødegaard. Visualization of shapes and use of technology in kindergarten
  5. Margarida Rodrigues, Maria João Cordeiro &  Paula Serra. The role of the structure in early mathematics learning: research with children aged four
  6. Helena Vennberg. Preschool class – one year to count
  7. Anna Wernberg. Mathematical questions to enhance learning in pre-school class
  8. Maria Sorokina: Collaboration between scientists and teachers in the context of mathematics education of young children

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