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TWG 1 Papers 

  1. María Teresa Gonzalez Astudillo & Angelina Alvarado Monroy: Proof by reductio ad absurdum: an experience with university students
  2. Nadia Azrou: Proof writing at undergraduate level
  3. Andreas Bergwall: On a generality framework for proving-tasks
  4. Paolo Boero: Analyzing the transition to epsilon-delta proving in calculus: a case study
  5. Orly Buchbinder & Alice Cook: Pre-service teachers’ construction of algebraic proof through exploration of math – trick
  6. Laura Conejo, Matíjas Arce &  Tomás Ortega: A Case study: how textbooks of a Spanish publisher justify results related to limits from the 70’s until today
  7. Jenny Christine Cramer: Argumentation below expectation: a double-threefold Habermas explanation
  8. Özlem Erkek & Mine Isiksal-Bostan: Does the use of Geogebra advantageous in the process of argumentation?
  9. Manuel Goizueta & Maria Alessandra Mariotti: Constructing validity in classroom conversations
  10. Angel Gutiérrez, Juani Antonio Moya & Adela Jaime: Discriminating proof abilities of secondary school students with different mathematical talent
  11. Leander Kempen & Rolf Biehler: Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of generic proofs in elementary number theory
  12. Christine Knipping, Daniela Rott & David A. Reid: Disparate arguments in mathematics classrooms
  13. Yael Luz & Michal Yerushalmy: E-assessment of geometrical proofs using interactive diagrams
  14. Marianne Moulin & Virginie Deloustal-Jorrand: Building stories in order to reason and prove in mathematics class in primary school
  15. Kirsten Pfeiffer & Rachel Quinlan: Proof evaluation tasks as tools for teaching?
  16. Manya Raman-Sundström & Lars-Daniel Öhman: Mathematical fit: a first approximation
  17. Ruthmae Sears & Óscar Chávez: Students of two-curriculum types performance on a proof for congruent triangles
  18. Annie Selden & John Selden: A theoretical perspective for proof construction
  19. Boaz Silverman & Ruhama Even: Textbook explanations: modes of reasoning in 7th grade Israeli mathematics textbooks
  20. Panagiotis Spyrou & Andreas Moutsios-Renzos: The genesis of proof in ancient Greece: the pedagogical implications of a Husserlian reading
  21. Andreas J. Stylianides: The role of mode of representation in students’ argument constructions

TWG 1 Posters 

  1. Maria Pericleous: How is proving constituted in a Cypriot classroom?
  2. Evelyn Stepancik, Stefan Götz: Four steps on the way to create argumentation competence supported by using technology
  3. Ishii Tsutomu: Consideration on the teaching methods deepen the argument in problem solving
  4. Estela Vallejo Vargas, Candy Ordóñez Montañez: An example of proof-based teaching: 3rd graders constructing knowledge by proving
  5. Simon Modeste, Francisco Rojas: Unpack and repack mathematical activity with pre-service teachers: a research project

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